Read below for my latest article for the Wall Street Journal.
With more than half a billion people under the age of 25, India is sitting atop a potential powerhouse of intellectual and physical energy. But, India’s demographic dividend is only a ‘potential’ positive unless India’s social entrepreneurs become actors in this transition.
A look at the numbers released in the recently published India Labour Report 2009 reveals that the population will grow to 1.4 billion by 2026, and 83% of this increase will be in the 15-59 age group—a huge lump of productive labor. Much has been said about India’s need to educate its youth in order to capitalize on this demographic window of opportunity. And, there is no denying the importance of education. But, there is also a dire need for job creation and job training. By 2025, India will house a whopping 25% of the world’s total workforce, with the projected number of new entrants into the workforce each year at 12.8 million. Where are these jobs going to come from?
The India Labour Report cites the need for a smooth legal and regulatory ecosystem, as well as employability frameworks and employment ecosystems in order to create a more enabling environment for job creation. I would argue that we also need to encourage social entrepreneurs to take on the challenge—by becoming employers themselves.
Social entrepreneurs are known for the creativity and innovation they bring to bear on the gaps in development. Whether tackling water or education, energy or sanitation, social entrepreneurs develop inventive ways to bring new solutions to social challenges. But, in all this creativity, they may be missing one of the larger issues at hand: “employership,” or, the generation of jobs where none existed before.
Lest you confuse employership with entrepreneurship, allow me to elaborate. ‘Entrepreneurship’ is a loaded word. There is pressure to launch a game-changing idea—or nothing at all. It asks for confidence and considerable chutzpah. It takes passion and an affinity for risk. To be an entrepreneur is to take the weight of the world on one’s shoulders in order to create something that no one has ever done before. It’s not something taken lightly, nor is it something many Indian families encourage.
Now, consider “employership.” The task of creating 100 jobs is challenging, but beautifully concrete. The framework is Problem/Solution, rather than Blue-Sky thinking. It requires flipping the idea of a target market on its head: it’s not about the consumer (yet); in the initial stages, it is about determining who to employ.
Several social entrepreneurs have founded companies that use already existing business models, but employ a specific segment of the labor pool. Dhruv Lakra started a courier company, Mirakle Couriers , which employs deaf adults, a group that receives concessions on Mumbai train transport. Revathi Roy is the Managing Director of ForShe , an all-women-driven taxi service, preferred by many women traveling alone. Vivek Agrawal is the CEO of Kanak Resources Management, a company that employs ragpickers—who have plenty of experience—to assist in municipal waste collection. In the case of all three enterprises, very few, if any, of the current employees were previously employed. But, each company’s labor pool also happens to offer a competitive advantage.
Perhaps we should encourage India’s budding social entrepreneurs to be less creative. Less innovative. Because employership does not require a game-changing idea, or a system-fix—just basic businesses that create jobs, raise standards of living, and create a virtuous cycle of advancement. If 1,000 people in each of 20 states built businesses that employed just 50 people, we’d see 1 million new jobs created—a decent dent in the projected 12.8 million demand. And, no doubt, by creating employment some of the problems social entrepreneurs are trying so desperately to solve may go away without direct intervention.
India has the chance to use its coming demographic transition as a catapult into the future, building its economy, its workforce, and its global brand। But, a working-age population won’t provide value on its own. By challenging India’s social entrepreneurs to become part of the solution, India will reap the benefits of this new wave of human capital.